assalamualaikum wr.wb
halo teman- teman semuaa, jangan bosen- bosen baca blog aku yaa, dan jangan lupa senyum hari ini :)
saya berangkat dari rumah pukul 06.00 pagi sampai di kampus pukul 07.00 pagi. sesampainya di kampus, saya melengkapi grooming saya lalu masuk ke dalam kitchen. nah saya langsung masuk ke dalam ruangan penyimpanan utensil untuk mengambil stock pot karena pagi ini saya akan membuat simple sirup dari tang yuan. bahan-bahannya cuma gula, air, kayu manis, dan daun pandan.
nah setelah sudah selesai membuat simple sirup, saya dan teman kelompokku akan prepare bahan buat besok. yang saya prepare adalah menu appetizer yaitu macedoine of vegetable mayonaise dengan jellied fruit salad.
setelah semuanya sudah beres, nahh saatnya untuk menjalanka sholat dhuzur, lalu general cleaning.
for black sesame filling :
- 250 gr black sesame
- 250 gr sugar
- 125 gr lard or butter
for tang yuan
- 500 gr glutinous rice flour
- 250 ml warm water
to make the black sesame filling :
1. toast black sesame in a pan or oven (detailed guide can be find here) and then ground them into powders. smaller particles can be accepted for the filling. or you might find them directly in store.
2. in a bowl, mix black sesame powder with lard and sugar. mix well.
to make the dough :
3. mix the glutinous rice flour and water to make the dough. keep kneading for couple of minutes until the smooth, shape the dough in to a long log so that you can make similar pieces in the following step.
4. take one piece and shape it to a bowl carefully. then scoop around 1/2 tablespoon to 1 tablespoon black sesame filling into the center. seal the rice dumpling completely.
5. shape the balls as round as possible gently.
6. bring water to a boiling in a pot ( the water should be at least 2 cm higher than the balls). continue cooking for another 1-2 minutes after they float on surface.
7. scoop out with the soup and serve with sugar, or sweet osmanthus or syrup.
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